A Platform Created by Cyclists - for Cyclists
Ride with GPS was founded in 2007 by Zack and Cullen, two friends with a shared love of riding bikes, exploring new roads, and writing cool software. They've grown and changed quite a bit since the early days, but the important things remain unchanged: Their passion for bikes, their mission to inspire you to get out and ride, and their commitment to building the very best service for their community.

A Shared Passion
Our story begins at the intersection of cycling and software. Driven by pursuit of a better riding experience, founders Zack Ham and Cullen King set out to redefine the way cyclists create, navigate, and share routes. They envisioned a platform to simplify the ride experience and provide insight into recorded activities. More than just a tool, the platform served as a catalyst to foster a vibrant community.
Evolution with Purpose
Our team of founder-developers built on each success to continually refine and grow the platform – as cyclists and daily users. What began as a side project organically grew through daily use and dedication, evolving into a full-time endeavor in 2011 with the launch of the Ride with GPS mobile app, which registered 1 Million users by December of 2017.
By Riders For Riders
We remain a founder-owned company. Everything we make goes back into the platform through investments in people, innovation, and technology. Supporting our users is paramount to our success, which is why our entire approach is guided by the user experience. We are riders just like you, so we understand, and we’re here to help.